
                                It is me.  水深火熱中的Cherry 
                               每天吃蒸的麵包   水煮麵   泡麵
                               還得燒水洗澡  或流浪到GYM去桑拿加洗澡   苦中作樂一番
                               宿舍的喇叭鎖頭斷頭過  門塗過橄欖油  浴缸海水倒灌  
                               我去櫃檯溝通  修理的工人跟我講解整棟大樓管線分布狀況 
                              冷氣不涼   櫃檯也畫線路圖給我看  OH, my God.

                            記得喔  明年我們都要來  再苦也要堅持
                           但活力充沛   連九十幾歲的人都可以打牌一整天
                            來到這裡才知道我們的年紀不算什麼? 比起教授  我們像小孩

    When I want to find an assistive technology to help students to

learn funny and happy, I search many websites for four hours.

 Suddenly I thought that I might look for a sketch software to

 attractive students. Then I am lucky for finding a interesting software.

 That is Tux Paint.

    This is its website.

   Tux Paint is a free, award-winning drawing program for children

ages 3 to 12 (for example, preschool and K-6). It combines an

 easy-to-use interface, fun sound effects, and an encouraging

cartoon mascot who guides children as they use the program.

Kids are presented with a blank canvas and a variety of drawing

tools to help them be creative. (See the full list of features.)

"Fun sound effects are played when tools are selected and used.

If you want to learn more about it. You can download it and try it.

Students can use it to make cards, playbills and so on. In the process,

they will be happy to draw pictures. It is useful to special students

 and normal students. 

So if you would like to have more interesting things in your class,

you can use Tux Paint now.








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