Prof. Sidney Simon 陪我們去遊Detroit River

                               老師人很好  帶我們出遊總是叮嚀我們

                 河對面是加拿大   看到楓葉旗了嗎?



                  美國三大車廠  :GM ,Ford.克萊斯勒



                       看到了嗎?  台灣耶



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                      在Royal oak 散步  遇到的狗狗



      路旁停許多高級車子 每年會有一天 大家都把車開到街上遊行

        我身上穿我們學校出品的衣服  上有LTU的英文字樣


       Katie老師帶我們吃蒙古烤肉  自己挑好一大碗  拿給廚師當場炒熟

            我足足吃了兩大盤  撐得好飽

        他們邊炒邊邊聊天  我們在旁欣賞它們樂在工作的愉快氣氛

         我們英語會話課的老師  她是志工喔




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         人在美國進修但超想念家人    已接近課程尾聲我要做報告

       我們這組是介紹潘玉良(中國) ,Mary Cassatt (American),Frida(Mexican)

Today I will introduce the Chinese artist PAN YULIANG.
She is the first famous female artist who traveled in France.She stayed in France more than 50 years.

Her oil paintings blended Chinese and western style.

PAN YU LIANG was born in 1895 in Jiangsu Yangzhou.

It is my father's hometown.
Chen Xiuqing was her first name. Zhang Yuliang was her second name. When she met her husband,she changed her surnameto Pan.

Then her third name was Pan Yuliang.
When she was 1 year old,her father died, and when she was 8 years old, her mother died.

After that ,at 13 ,her gambler uncle deceived her into going to Wuhu.Then she was sold to the brothel.
She had the good fortune to meet Pan Zanhua, who rescued her. He was the man supervising the salt shopkeepers.They got married. Yuliang liked to learn,to study,and to paint.

One dayher husband come home and she showedhim a painting.Then her husband said:

Did every artist sign a name on a painting?

Zhang Yuliang changed her surname to Pan .
Pan Zanhua did not pay attention to the common prejudice about her being a concubine.

He trusted his wife would be good.
She went to the Shanghai Fine Arts Training School at 23 years old.
She studied abroad at public expense in the Institut Franco-Chinois de Lyon at 26 years old.
She taught in the Shanghai Fine Arts Training School and at Nanjing Central university at 33 years old.
She lived in Paris again at 42 years old. She held two painting exhibits from the age of 58 to 64 years old.
She is famous inJapan,Belgium,England, Germany,Greece, Luxembourg,Italy.
When She was 64 years old,she received the medal of honor from Paris University
She died in Paris and was buried in the Cimetiere Montparnasse at 82 years old.

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    同學告訴Herriet老師 大草坪啦啦隊正在練習   我們馬上說走就走




        這些是國中生年紀的女孩  充滿活力


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                                                                  南庄  (秀異美學) 台灣一個很美的地方 

                                                        這是一個藝術創作者的家  有對外開放喔






When my school has an athletic meet,I take pictures for my students.If they have relays ,

I use a viedo camera to record them.

In every activities I always take many

photos and images for them.

All these materials I put into a CD burner

to complete a CD ,VCD or DVD. And I give

each student a DVD.

I teach Math with VCD.There has many

 flashs about Statistics,Geometry ,

 Algebra and so on.

Students use camera to take pictures

with each other.Then they may mail

 photos to their classmates.They share

films ,music with mp4.

In the other way they share songs,

movies by cellphones that having


Last year we had a camping activity .

My student’s

Mother went with us.She recorded all

 the things by her viedo camera.

After she came back ,she finished

 40 DVDs and gave everyone .

So I think that all the people’s life

 cannot quit multimedia.

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            我真是大開眼界 全是名牌但價位不高  只是得當隨身行李帶上機比較麻煩




              逛一天唯一的食物  真是徹底省吃儉用努力逛街

                           德國村 ---和我們住的地方截然不同 


            感謝有Yvonne(台灣留學生)  我們有了快樂的一天






             我們在街頭遇見的男孩  他學中文      所以和我們聊了起來  他只有國三喔  而且教養很好

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I will introduce the Chinese artist PAN YULIANG.

The artist PAN YU LIANG was born in 1895 in Jiangsu


Chen Xiuqing was her first name.

Zhang Yuliang was her second name. Pan Yuliang was her third

name.When she was 1 year old,her father died, and when she was 8 years old, her mother died.

When she was 13 years old,her gambler uncle deceived her into going to Wuhu.  Then she was sold to the brothel.

She had the good fortune to meet Pan Zanhua, who rescued her.

He was the man supervising the salt shopkeepers.They got married.     Zhang Yuliang changed her surname to Pan .

Pan Zanhua did not pay attention to the common custom prejudice. He hoped his wife would be good.

She went to the Shanghai Fine Arts Training School at 23 years old.

She studied abroad at public expense in the Institut Franco-Chinois de Lyon at 26 years old.

She taught in the Shanghai Fine Arts Training School and at

Nanjing Central university at 33 years old.
She lived in Paris at 42 years old.
She held two painting exhibits

 from the age of 58 to 64 years old.

She is famous inJapan,Belgium,England, Germany,Greece, Luxembourg,Italy.

When She was 64 years old,she received the medal of

honor from Paris University.

She died in Paris and was buried in the Cimetiere Montparnasse

 at 82 years old.

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今天本來要去ANN ARBOR的藝術市集 卻因老師擔心我們的安全而改成看電影


我們一行人像小朋友一樣  帶著食物高興的出發了

先去吃Tokyo Buffet 



               美式食物總是甜死人  外觀可愛但似乎不太合我們的胃


        我的文法課老師Raye  她對我們很好  

                       拿著電影票自拍   可惜技術待加強

        Toyko Buffet ---  日式 中式 較符合我們的口味



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            POTLUCK 是每兩人出一道菜 我們寢室端出兩道菜



                     左邊是Dr.TOBOS  右邊是Ba老師 我們的 Tutor

              學姊們親手包的壽司喔, 很美味好吃



                         每天必經的校園 總是充滿驚喜 這隻蝴蝶很忙

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       底特律的天空 常出現不同的雲 天空藍的像明信片

           學校附近的地標  三棟高聳建築物

                 我第一次去的Fridays  居然是美國的Fridays


                           我們點的食物 很好吃

              Fridays的內部吵鬧喧嘩 我們坐在外圍 稍微安靜



          我們一群同學走個半小時去吃飯  讀書熬夜是家常便飯


   美國月亮真的比較圓嗎?  我第一次看到美國月亮 趕快拍下來

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