
                         看到了嗎? 畫面中這顆石頭幾乎天天變色
                         這是個謎 我和Sue經過它總是不經意走過 卻又突然發現它變色
                         於是我們下了一個決定  每天要觀察它    為它製作專輯
                        要做專輯的東西太多了 有底特律的雲 石頭 美國女畫家  墨西哥女畫家

              This is my second computer homework

         How do you use Database

     I must key in my students score of all the tests.Then I use Excel to

      made  a file of my class.

I put the result to schools homepage. Each student has her or his

file about

behavior,score,being absent ,being present..

 When the semester begins,I will make a plan about Math progress.

In my society class each student made a report about one country.

 Then they used powerpoint to display their material.

Once I invited a German and his girlfriend to my class to talk about

Working Holiday and Germany.

  They used powerpoint to present it. All I have made that they will be

 founded in Schools Website.

How do your students use Database?  

My students always write  the blogs ,reports,English vocabulary tests

and so on.

What else would you like to do with DB - think in terms of student

   tools/assessment as well as teacher productivity.

They may make a database to managent behavior records of all

students in our school office of the dean of students.

How do you use Spreadsheets?

I use it to make the address ,telephone number,birthday.


How do your students use Spreadsheets?

My students use it to the experimental result .They can use

Spreadsheet in an athletic meet or in a corporation class.

What else would you like to do with SS - think in terms of student tools/assessment as well as teacher productivity.

We may use Spreadsheets to compile statictics about lending and

returning of books.  



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